“When we moved
to Canada
we worked from
sunrise to sunset
& sometimes
beyond” ***
a pebble shines
in the distance
beyond immediate
working to
narrow the gap
inch by inch by inch
“We were paid $45/week,
I never made so
much money before.
I could finally
support my family.” ***
the sun reflects
off the pebble
and it shines,
it shines
*** from a Lambton County farmer’s diary, circa 1920’s.
- The 1st & 3rd verse are from a Lambton County farmer’s diary, circa 1920’s. I transcribed it as part of my work at the Museum.
- As I read the diary the first time, I reacted negatively: “I bet they made you work from sunrise to sunset…and for hardly any money.” In contrast, the farmer was positive, excited: “I could finally support my family.” That was the impetus for the poem, and a lesson for me!
- Grammarly’s Tone Detector rates this poem as Inspirational (*****). That’s nice!
February 12th, 2021