The River Deep (2008)

your stomach in knots
your brain won’t stop

off in the distance
my mind went
for a ride

a wild ride…
never quite
wild enough

packaging my abject
body and mind
I sought counsel
I sought respite
from the dark thoughts
stealing my peace
…my sleep

floating aimlessly
I met
an ancient man
rotting yellow teeth
thousands of lines
carved into his
calloused skin

he grabbed
me by the ear
took me to the river
threw me to the ground
kicked me
to the edge
of the water

with one swift kick
I felt myself
going under
going under

the water penetrating
like a jackhammer,
each drop of water
another balm
to my troubled mind,
another prayer
for my troubled soul

I awoke
ready to
give life
another try

when you can’t sleep
go to the river deep,
your sadness
your madness
let the water purify,
let the water revitalize

…start anew.


Another one of my “trying to overcome the darkness in my mind” poems, with a touch of optimism sprinkled on top.

Written: 2008

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