A Night in the Alley (1990)

Hated Uncles at 1150 Club – March 28, 1992 – Toronto, ON

Homeless man under bench - drawing by Harvey Dog

the scent of dead piss
alone in an alley
broken bottles
jagged edges
acute to the touch

(a dog’s yelping
the dead air)

C –
I heard a child crying
then I realized
that child – that child was me!

like he hasn’t had a drink
for 2 whole days,
he tilts
the bottle
to his lips
and the poison
penetrates his system.

(blood transfusion
falls to concrete
kisses cement)


red cement
where his lips
graze the ground,
his mind fades
and all




  • One of only a few songs we carried over from the 1992 Hated Uncles to the reformed 1997 Hated Uncles.
  • A song that usually resulted in yours truly dropping to my knees or falling or standing on a chair…doing something like that.
  • This was a poem that I transformed into a lyric for the band. I loved what the band did with it! The band brought the lyric alive.
  • An Uncle favourite of mine.

Written: 1990

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