Silhouettes Dancing (On A Dark Misty Night) (2016)

Silhouettes Dancing (On A Dark Misty Night) – Harvey Dog (2016)

Silhouettes Dancing - drawing by Harvey Dog 2021

/ drunken babbling – stilettos walking away /

staggering silhouettes
dancing on a dark misty night,
weaving a tapestry
of shadows and light

the sound of stilettos (where? there)
the snap of a trigger
a sense of danger

/ coughing – noises /

listen to the shadows,
the howl of madness,
the din of despair
as clouds roll over
the dark horizon
and cigarettes dangle
from wet lips
and crooked teeth

/ weird noise /
what was that? I don’t know

walk slowly
(walk fast)
what do you do?
what do you do?
the dice keep rolling
as damp hands
caress money
like breasts
is that like you?
is that like you?
(tell me the details)

why rush to the grave
before you’ve been saved?
why rush to the grave
before you’ve been saved?

It’s too late
to change your fate
it’s too late
too late
it’s too late
too late
no, it’s not
who said that?
it’s too late

where are we going? (2x)
it doesn’t matter where we’re going

grab the wings of an angel
don’t let go
don’t let go
why run
when you can fly
why be low
you could be so high
you could be so high
so high
so so high

have you ever been so alone
and reveled in the silence?

put away that gravestone
I’m not dead yet

(I think I’ve got something to do)
dance with the silhouettes
in the dark misty nights
weave a new tapestry
change your shadows and lights
it’s never too late
to change your fate (face??)
it’s never too late

it’s lonely and dark in the ground
it is dark in the ground
very dark
it’s quite dark
so dark

silhouettes dancing on a dark misty night
weave a new tapestry
we’re all skeletons on the inside
when we have nothing left to hide


  • One of my favourites from the pre-video days.
  • The original seed for this was planted when I came back to my apartment after taking the dog out for busies, and in the distance saw some shadows hanging on to each other in a drunken tap dance.
  • Grammarly’s Tone Detector: Sad (****) Anxious (****).

Written & Recorded: March 2016

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